Somatic Coaching

A Path to Mind-Body Integration and Lasting Change

Somatic Coaching reconnects us with what matters most, helping us relearn the boundaries, skills, and capacities that life’s challenges or social conditioning may have clouded. By embracing complexity and navigating contradictions, we deepen our ability to love and be loved.

Two powerful approaches:
- Somatic Coaching
: A mind-body integration for healing and growth.
- Somatic Enneagram Coaching: Combining the Enneagram’s insights with somatic practices for deep transformation.

Somatic Coaching - Somatic Enneagram Coaching - Brooklyn Mindbody

What is Somatic Coaching?

This is one of the two ways to engage in coaching work with us, the other being Somatic Enneagram Coaching (described below). Somatic Coaching is a form of mind-body coaching that recognizes true healing and transformation come from integrating the mind and body rather than treating them as separate entities. In this approach, we focus on the whole person, acknowledging that the body holds as much wisdom as the mind. By deepening your awareness of both, you can unlock lasting change, healing, and growth.

Mind-body coaching is a holistic practice that empowers you to tune into the signals your body sends and understand how they connect to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This process allows you to access the insights your body holds, helping you embody a new way of being—one where your actions are aligned with your values, even in the face of life’s overwhelm and pressures.

How Does Somatic Coaching Work?

After an initial consultation call, you will complete an intake form that helps clarify your big-picture goals and aspirations. In our first few sessions, we’ll introduce basic somatic practices and work together to refine your personal goals—what we call declarations in somatic coaching. During this time, we’ll also begin mapping out your unique somatic shaping and conditioned tendencies, uncovering the patterns that have shaped how you show up in life.

These declarations are rooted in your deepest longings and desires—what truly matters to you. Examples of declarations might include, “I want to live with more authenticity and presence,” or, “I want to cultivate inner peace and resilience.” Each session will center around your declaration, designed to help you move toward what you care about most.

Throughout the sessions, we’ll move through various somatic interventions and approaches, including the Somatic Cycle of Change, which is central to this work:

  • Embodied Awareness

  • Sensing/Feeling

  • Expression/Articulation

  • Embodied Insight

  • Action/Integration

By guiding clients through these stages, we facilitate profound shifts that ripple out into daily life, relationships, and your sense of self. This process centers on aligning your inner experience with outer actions, leading to deeper embodiment and transformation.

Potential Benefits of Somatic Coaching

  • Stress relief and nervous system calming

  • Practicing centered consent in communication

  • Setting clear boundaries with “Yes,” “No,” and “Maybe”

  • Navigating rupture and repair in relationships

  • Releasing shame with compassion

  • Resolving inner conflict and quieting the inner critic

  • Increased body awareness through mapping

  • Emotional release and processing

  • Uncovering and releasing limiting beliefs

  • Confident, embodied decision-making

  • Regulating fight, flight, or freeze responses

  • Healing trauma stored in the body

Somatic Enneagram Coaching: Merging Body and Type

What is Somatic Enneagram Coaching?

This is one of the two ways to engage in coaching work with us, the other being Somatic Coaching (described above). Somatic Enneagram Coaching integrates the map of the Enneagram—a powerful system that describes nine distinct personality types—with somatic practices that explore how these types show up in the body. The Enneagram traditionally focuses on mental and emotional patterns, but this approach also addresses the somatic expressions of each type—such as physical sensations, tension, and habitual movements.

Each Enneagram type holds its own somatic shaping, rooted in unconscious physical habits and patterns of tension. These are often driven by our core motivations and fears. By bringing the body into the process, Somatic Enneagram Coaching allows you to move beyond just intellectual understanding and access deeper transformation.

How Does Somatic Enneagram Coaching Work?

Somatic Enneagram Coaching works by combining body-based practices with the psychological insights of the Enneagram. We explore how your type manifests physically and offer tools to reshape these patterns. Through gentle awareness, movement, and body-centered exercises, you’ll learn to connect with the physical sensations that mirror your type’s patterns.

  • Discovering Your Type (if needed):
    If you’re unsure of your Enneagram type, we begin with an in-depth interview process designed to uncover the motivations and behaviors that define your type. This ensures we’re working with the most accurate information from the start.

  • Exploring Your Body’s Patterns:
    Each Enneagram type has distinct somatic patterns—ways stress, emotions, and defense mechanisms manifest physically. In our sessions, we’ll observe how your type shows up in your body. This might involve tuning into physical sensations, postural habits, or specific areas of tension.

  • Working with the Body for Change:
    In Somatic Enneagram Coaching, we actively work on rewiring neural pathways to create new behaviors and patterns. Through body-centered practices and setting goals (or declarations), we prioritize transformation in a way that aligns with your values and creates the safety needed for change. This process interrupts old behaviors and builds new embodied skills, allowing you to show up in the world in ways that feel aligned and empowered.

The Unique Approach of Somatic Enneagram Coaching

What makes Somatic Enneagram Coaching stand out is the integration of body-based practices with the Enneagram’s deep psychological insights. Each session goes beyond intellectual understanding to engage your full, embodied experience. By working with the physical patterns unique to your type, we unlock new possibilities for how you navigate life.

Ready to Begin?

Disrupt the patterns of your Enneagram type and learn the somatic tools to bring attuned self-awareness and embodied change. Whether through general Somatic Coaching or the more focused Somatic Enneagram Coaching, you’ll uncover how your body holds the stories of your type—and how to reshape them for lasting transformation.

The Nine Types: A Somatic Lens for Transformation

Each Enneagram type expresses its own embodied belief patterns, emotional habits, and energetic drives. Explore the links below to learn how each type is expressed through a somatic lens and discover specific tools for transformation.

  • As a One, your greatest strength lies not just in your commitment to excellence, but in your ability to release the need for perfection and embrace a life of ease and self-compassion. Imagine the serenity that comes from letting go of “should” and reconnecting with what you truly want.

  • As a Two, your true gift lies not just in your ability to care for others, but in allowing yourself to receive love and care in return. Imagine the wholeness that comes from embracing your own needs and letting others nurture and support you, just as you do for them.

  • As a Three, your greatest gift lies not just in your drive to succeed, but in your ability to embrace your true self beyond achievements. Imagine the freedom that comes from letting go of external validation and reconnecting with your authentic desires, allowing yourself to be valued for who you truly are, not just what you do.

  • As a Four, your deepest power lies not just in your emotional depth, but in your ability to find beauty and wholeness in the present moment. Imagine the fulfillment that comes from releasing the need for what’s missing and fully embracing your uniqueness as it is, allowing yourself to feel grounded and enough.

  • As a Five, your greatest strength lies not just in your pursuit of knowledge, but in your ability to trust that you are already enough. Imagine the freedom that comes from opening up, allowing others to connect with you, and experiencing the richness that comes from engaging fully with life and those around you.

  • As a Six, your true power lies not just in your ability to prepare for challenges, but in your ability to trust in yourself and the world around you. Imagine the peace that comes from letting go of constant vigilance and embracing the security that comes from within, allowing yourself to move forward with confidence and calm.

  • As a Seven, your greatest joy lies not just in seeking new experiences, but in your ability to be fully present with what is here and now. Imagine the fulfillment that comes from embracing the richness of the moment, letting go of the need for constant stimulation, and finding deep satisfaction in the present.

  • As an Eight, your deepest strength lies not just in your power, but in your ability to soften and allow yourself to be truly seen. Imagine the freedom that comes from embracing vulnerability and letting others witness your full, authentic self.

  • As a Nine, your true power lies not just in keeping the peace, but in fully awakening to your own presence and desires. Imagine the fulfillment that comes from embracing your vitality and allowing yourself to be fully engaged with life.


Our Somatic Coaching Practitioner

Alicia Divers - Somatic Coaching - Enneagram - Somatic Spirituality - Brooklyn Mindbody


Somatic Coaching with speciality in the Enneagram,
Somatic Spiritual Direction

Learn more about Alicia


"Alicia is a natural, kind listener and intuitive guide to turn inward and be with what is. Working with her has encouraged me to become more aware of my body, sit with discomfort, and ask tough questions during a particularly challenging season in my life. She knows when to push and when to leave space — and she brings a warm presence with room for humor and joy in all our sessions!"

—Madi Rinaldi, Marketing Professional


  • 50 min - $125 to $200 (sliding scale)

    Allowing you to pay based on your ability while also honoring the value of my training and expertise. This approach ensures that our work together respects both your needs and the skills I bring to our sessions